
1522857629377.jpgWelcome to Sandi Dornhecker Art, and thank you for visiting my website!

Through my artwork, I am able to combine my passion to create with my love of animals.  Hopefully, my art will instill a greater appreciation of the wonderful animals with which we share this planet.  I hope, in my own way, to promote through my art a greater awareness of these amazing creatures and the important role people play in caring for animals, nature, and all life on earth.  A lofty goal!

I hope you enjoy perusing my artwork.  My art is available in limited edition Giclee prints.

You may also commission a portrait for yourself or as a special gift for a friend or family member, whether it is a portrait of a current, beloved pet, a cherished keepsake for a special pet that has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, or your favorite animal.  All portraits are typically done with a plain white background.

I hope you enjoy viewing the art and videos on my website and that one of them puts a smile on your face today!

Association of Animal Artists